Thursday, April 30, 2009

down time

i have been really busy with the end of the semester and my portfolio review (to take higher level graphic design classes i need to pass this), i set up my portfolio last night and they're doing the review today and then i find out in a few days if i can take GD2 in the fall, i'm really worried but like the total art nerd i am i've been browsing a bunch of graphic design work to occupy my time because I am so not in the mood to study for my typography and art history exams tomorrow

so while looking at past posts on ffffound! i came across a piece of work by this guy called Mark Weaver, i have saved a few things by him in the past through that site and decided to find more of it, i really like his use of the grid and his simplicity

here's a small sampling of his work that i got off of his flickr account

Sunday, April 5, 2009


"And the king is a hand
And slaps you like a wave
And shackles you down
Bound like an anchored chain in the sand"

some more photographic beauty discovered during time better spent studying or working on graphic design and typography projects, these photos are from a different flickr account then yesterdays post but they are still quite beautiful, well, at least i think so

Saturday, April 4, 2009


"and deliberately she shut her eyes to the truth ... she felt herself fallen and degraded, weakened in mind and body, who had been strong before; and her pride had gone with her independence."
-from the novel Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier

i stumbled across this flickr account recently and must say that the photography in it is more beautiful than i ever expected, here is just a small sampling of some of my favorites