Thursday, February 5, 2009

a little bit about me

welcome to underwater starshine! my name is actually Katherine but most people just call me Kat and i go to college for graphic design in a small mountain town in north carolina

i adore music, art, film and perusing through thrift and antique stores to find either vintage clothing or other little treasures that have been forgotten (i end up swooning each time i enter a beautiful antique store i have never been to)

i decided to to start this blog to post many of my favorite graphic and interior design inspirations, DIY tutorials, street fashion images, favorite books or films (i love to read) and to just overall give me a place to write about a lot of different things i discovered that i think are interesting (i may end up gushing about some of my favorite finds too, so beware ^_^)

i also love knowing about people and their inputs and interests so feel free to comment, i'd love to know what you think or what inspires or interests you as well!

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