Sunday, March 22, 2009

les temps sont durs pour les rêveurs

"my nerves are bad to-night. yes, bad. stay with me.
"speak to me. why do you never speak. speak.
"what are you thinking of? what thinking? what?
"i never know what you are thinking. think."
-from the poem A Game of Chess by T.S. Eliot

i'm actually in the mood to get school work done today, i guess laying around and being lazy for a few days makes it easier to be excited about doing art again, i felt guilty for my lack of posts lately though due to being busy with school and spring break so i decided to do another "junk" post of some of my inspirations, these are just a bunch of images i collected from ffffound! which, if you haven't noticed, i adore, i think i'm going to try to focus my posts more so this one is going to (mostly) revolve around graphic design work and the use of type, best wishes <3

Friday, March 20, 2009

mama don't dance

(my darling puppy Luna and i)

i went home last week for my spring break (hence the lack of posts) and when i wasn't lounging around, searching through thrift stores, or hanging out with a good friend of mine i spent time taking pictures around the yard

one of my favorite spots is this little moss garden my mother has cultivated, it's filled with this adorable collection of fake mushrooms that was first started by a gift from my aunt but mother liked them so much she continued to add to them

it's defiantly one of the best parts of the yard, hidden away near the woods and would be a perfect spot to lounge with a good book and a cup of tea on a sunny spring afternoon

on another note, sadly, my digital camera is pretty much dead (the batteries are fried), so i won't be able to show you pictures of an outfit i wore recently that was composed of many style items that i obtained from my mother, i guess i'll have to leave that for another post once i get a new camera

Monday, March 2, 2009

the artist and the scientist

fantastic algae cell chart from three potato four

i know this makes me incredibly weird but i have this horrible desire to, whenever i do get a place, fill it with the nerdiest things like first editions of novels, old astrology charts, a vintage telescope, an old microscope (i've actually seen the coolest one for 20 dollars, in an antique store in upstate new york, it came in this cool wooden case with slides, and bottles and a burner and things, and i am so disappointed in myself for not buying it)

actually one of my favorite and wonderful purchases over the past summer were 6 shot glasses that look like some kind of scientific test tube, it is really weird though because when it comes to science i have an incredibly hard time getting excited about it unless i'm really interested in a certain subject and i can barely even pay attention in my biology class right now

still i positively love doing things that appear scientific (like dyeing fabric or cooking), i guess i'm just too lazy to put in the work and maybe i'll just settle for buying nerdy glasses, that look horrible on me, and beautiful old educational things that are now outdated and settle on doing my own nerdy things that i don't have trouble enjoying

vintage astrological poster and krafe (photos from enderby nest)

humorous vintage pyrex mug

field notes guides from 3p4

cards from 3p4

did i mention i used to want to go to space camp?