Sunday, March 22, 2009

les temps sont durs pour les rêveurs

"my nerves are bad to-night. yes, bad. stay with me.
"speak to me. why do you never speak. speak.
"what are you thinking of? what thinking? what?
"i never know what you are thinking. think."
-from the poem A Game of Chess by T.S. Eliot

i'm actually in the mood to get school work done today, i guess laying around and being lazy for a few days makes it easier to be excited about doing art again, i felt guilty for my lack of posts lately though due to being busy with school and spring break so i decided to do another "junk" post of some of my inspirations, these are just a bunch of images i collected from ffffound! which, if you haven't noticed, i adore, i think i'm going to try to focus my posts more so this one is going to (mostly) revolve around graphic design work and the use of type, best wishes <3

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