Friday, July 31, 2009


after sharing some recently purchased shoes that i had just won off of ebay my sister replied "those look like Jackie shoes" i knew immediately that she meant Jackie Burkhart, who was played by Mila Kunis, on the now syndicated television show That '70s Show and took it as a compliment

one thing i love about that show, which seems to be the only american sitcom that i will always enjoy, is the careful selection of all the clothes and props and i am a bit jealous of all the people who got to find and choose them for their job (i have the same envy with the people who worked on the original UK Life On Mars) plus, it seems like it would be so much fun to pick different 70s clothes that seemed to fit each of the characters personalities and ages

the snobby, spoiled character Jackie Burkhart was always portrayed as the most stylish one and i have many times envied the clothes that Mila Kunis wore on the show, i have liked many of the other characters clothes too but i have recently been attracted to more girly clothing so it makes sense that i may channel a bit more of the fashionable Jackie's style when i purchase any 70s clothing lately

another great thing about That '70s Show is that all the clothing that was worn on it was authentic, so any lovers of late 70s fashions should defiantly watch it for some great inspiration and maybe even a laugh

all images found at fanpop

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

texas adventures: antique store finds and gifts

i actually didn't buy too much when i went to texas, not that i didn't want to, we went to some really beautiful antique stores (and some really junky ones) but i always get overwhelmed and have trouble making decisions, however i did get some lovely gifts from my great aunt and my grandmother (plus, some lovely christmas presents i'm supposed to forget about...)

i realized after i uploaded these to my computer that there are two other things i got there that i forgot to photograph, an adorable poleyster collar and a tea strainer for my loose teas, i think i'll edit later to include a photograph, plus take better photographs these are pretty bad (i blame my sister's crappy digital camera, i still haven't bought a new one...)

Monday, July 27, 2009

texas adventures: dallas museum of art

dress: value village
sandals and belt: goodwill
purse made from 30s fabric: gift

when my sister's friend, who lives in dallas, learned that my sister and i wanted to visit her she asked us what we wanted to do while we were there, i replied quickly that i wanted to visit museums, so after meeting up with her and going to lunch we went to the dallas museum of art

first we went to the nasher sculpture center, and i must say there were many beautiful things in the inside portion (but of course we were weary about taking photographs due to all the guards), so after we went downstairs and saw a few sculptures we decided to go look at the ones outside, and after opening the door we were overcome with the beautiful staircase pictured above, we walked around and viewed the sculptures but it was extremely hot (over 100 degrees!) so we decided to go to the main building and view the galleries there (and even though to see the nasher sculpture center it cost extra if you ever visit don't pass it up, the extra money is worth it!)

i must say i never realized how big the museum was going to be, it has so many levels and little rooms and i didn't want to miss a thing, we all got tired from walking around so much but it really was amazing and there were so many beautiful things to look at (Giacometti, Lichtenstein, Braque, Picasso, Toulouse-Lautrec, Manet, Mondrian...) although, i'm sure my sister and her friend got tired of me talking about various artists and the little bits of information i remembered about them from my art history classes!

overall, it was a great visit but i must say i would have preferred to spend most of the day there so I could appreciate the art more and not get so exhausted trying to see it all before the museum closed

all photos taken by my sister, edited by me

Sunday, July 26, 2009


decided i'd get more strict in my blogging, which means a total revamping of the blog design (this one was temporary anyway), posts every monday, wednesday and friday, updates to my flickr, and getting together all the stuff i need so i can seriously get my ebay store together which will help me pay for the art supplies i'll need for school

tomorrow's post will begin it all starting with part one of my texas adventure that's focusing on my trip to the dallas museum of art (which was amazing!)


Monday, July 20, 2009

more adventurous

image taken from ffffound!

i returned from my trip to texas on saturday night and was just exhausted, the trip consisted of a lot of tea drinking, antique store shopping, and even a visit to the dallas museum of art

my camera is still broken and since i'm very protective of my film i ended up not taking any photographs but my sister and grandma did a wonderful job of that so i will be sure to post some of those later because i actually have jury duty today, which is going to be an interesting experience at best

Thursday, July 9, 2009

cherry blossom

(alix of the cherry blossom girl)

this would be such a perfect outfit for my upcoming trip to Texas this saturday! a topshop and chloƩ outfit with gorgeous dark brown hair, oh to be french and also able to afford such things