Friday, July 31, 2009


after sharing some recently purchased shoes that i had just won off of ebay my sister replied "those look like Jackie shoes" i knew immediately that she meant Jackie Burkhart, who was played by Mila Kunis, on the now syndicated television show That '70s Show and took it as a compliment

one thing i love about that show, which seems to be the only american sitcom that i will always enjoy, is the careful selection of all the clothes and props and i am a bit jealous of all the people who got to find and choose them for their job (i have the same envy with the people who worked on the original UK Life On Mars) plus, it seems like it would be so much fun to pick different 70s clothes that seemed to fit each of the characters personalities and ages

the snobby, spoiled character Jackie Burkhart was always portrayed as the most stylish one and i have many times envied the clothes that Mila Kunis wore on the show, i have liked many of the other characters clothes too but i have recently been attracted to more girly clothing so it makes sense that i may channel a bit more of the fashionable Jackie's style when i purchase any 70s clothing lately

another great thing about That '70s Show is that all the clothing that was worn on it was authentic, so any lovers of late 70s fashions should defiantly watch it for some great inspiration and maybe even a laugh

all images found at fanpop

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